Craig Rickard: The Woodlands Township Candidate
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not endorse or support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to candidates running for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to complete a written interview including the same 7 questions. View candidate’s responses to our questions, if provided.
Each position has a two-year term, is an unpaid volunteer position, and is elected at-large by voters in The Woodlands Township in both Montgomery County and Harris County. The election is scheduled for November 8, 2022. Voters must be registered to vote for The Woodlands election.
Craig Rickard is running for the Township Board Position 1.

1. Share your background. What originally brought you to The Woodlands?
My wife and I moved to The Woodlands in 2000 while I was working for the Billiard Factory. The owner lived in Grogan’s Point and he wanted to open a store in The Woodlands so we helped open that location on the freeway. My wife, Elizabeth, and I have raised 4 sons in Cochran’s Crossing for the last 22 years. We have two boys at College Park HS, one at Lone Star College, and our oldest serves as a Nuclear Operator on the USS Pennsylvania Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine in the U.S. Navy.
I have an Entrepreneurship degree from the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. I began in the recruiting industry almost 20 years ago and started my own recruiting firm, Westcott & Washington, in 2011 where we support many industries with a particular focus on energy.

2. Why do you enjoy living (and working, if applicable) in The Woodlands?
I love living and working in The Woodlands because of the hometown atmosphere and great design. So many people in our community have helped us become the family we are today. With so much diversity of cultures among neighbors, we feel that our kids have received a very well-rounded childhood. The schools, parks, pools, paths, church, and community events are all integral to our way of life. Our kids are all 14+ years old now and they still love hanging out at the parks with friends, riding their bikes on the paths, and hiking through the woods. My office is on Timberloch so being able to take a break and walk in the forest to disconnect is priceless. As a recruiter, bringing customers to The Woodlands for meetings has never been difficult as this has become a place to visit due to all the amenities and events.

3. How have you served and/or how do you currently serve and contribute to our community?
Most of my volunteer time has been with our children’s activities such as school, sports, and church over the past 20 years. We are active Catholics and have invested much of my time helping religious orders and laypeople develop young men into future leaders. I have also volunteered time with the Sheriff’s Dept., Crimestoppers, as a Pavilion volunteer for concerts, race day help (10 for Texas and Ironman), and my university.
4. What motivates you to run for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors?
I want to protect the residents by keeping their interests front and center. I’m making sure that the next 50 years are preserved for our kids and their children. That is very personal to me and to the residents I have met. I’m also motivated to spend my own money on this campaign and not accept any developer-funded PAC money like the ‘Preserve The Woodlands’ PAC. I believe accepting monies from PACs like those skews decision-making when it matters most for the residents. I can see the relief on residents’ faces when they know I am truly independent.
5. What are 5 things that you want voters to know about you (personal, points, views, experience, etc.)?
- I am not afraid to ask difficult questions even from people I already know.
- I will always fight for the resident’s best interests.
- I want to stay on the trajectory of tax decreases and high service levels to the residents that the current Township Board and Township staff has accomplished.
- My experience in recruiting is bringing people to the table to make the best decisions. I love people and want to bridge relationships between developers, county officials, the Township, and our residents.
- I live and work in The Woodlands, so I have published my personal cell phone number in the latest Community Impact magazine (and here 713-443-1786) so that people have direct access to me.
6. If elected, what would your top 3 priorities be as a Township Board of Director? How would you work to impact/shape the future of The Woodlands?
- Better communication to residents through a robust text messaging system of current events and issues that impact our residents.
- I want to bring increased and proactive attention to traffic impacts, future road widenings and extensions.
- I want to save as many trees and greenspaces as we can within the Township recognizing the desires of the residents and the developers. I will be present and available to residents and businesses so that we can shape the future of The Woodlands.
7. Would you like to share any other words or message to The Woodlands community?
The Woodlands is home to all of us and I look forward to truly protecting, and visibly preserving this community by being fiscally responsible and transparent.
Together with business and residents, we can continue George Mitchell’s vision and legacy. I love The Woodlands. I am independent and will fight for you, the resident. Please visit www.vote4craig.com for more details and relevant information about what is happening. Thank you for your consideration and for your vote.
Learn more about Craig Rickard at:
- Campaign Website: www.vote4craig.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/craig.fortownship/
- Campaign Twitter: twitter.com/for_rickard
- Instagram: @vote4craig
- Professional Background – LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigrickard/
Visit the Hello Woodlands 2022 Election Guide for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Candidates to view all candidates, interviews, and voting information here.
Please visit the November 2022 Election section on The Woodlands Township’s website for additional information about the November 8, 2022 election at https://www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/1521/November-2022-Election.
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.