Lake Conroe Temporary Closure May 2 at 7am
View the most recent 9:30am update HERE.
The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) and Montgomery County Constable Precinct 1 announce that Lake Conroe is temporarily closed at 7:00am due to high lake levels, the possibility of submerged objects, floating debris, and other hazards that could pose safety risks.
Basin-wide rainfall and resulting runoff has positioned the lake level at approximately two feet over the lake’s normal conservation pool of 201 feet above mean sea level (msl).
At this level, many docks, bulkheads, small islands, and other structures are fully submerged and can create a dangerous situation for boaters. In addition, high winds and rapidly-flowing water from local streams can result in a large amount of floating debris on the reservoir. With bulkheads becoming submerged, lake area residents should also be cautious of electrical outlets and equipment coming into contact with water.
SJRA is currently releasing water from the dam in accordance with its operating procedures for the reservoir to gradually lower the level back to conservation pool of 201 feet above msl. SJRA and Montgomery County Constable Precinct 1 will continue to monitor any additional rainfall events.
For real-time information on Lake Conroe levels, releases, rainfall totals, or stream flows visit www.sjra.net.
Source: San Jacinto River Authority