Misty A. Odenweller: Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Candidate
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not endorse or support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to candidates running for Conroe ISD Board of Trustees to complete a written interview including the same five (5) questions. View candidate’s responses to our questions, if provided.
The Conroe Independent School District election for Trustee Positions 1, 2, and 3 will be November 8, 2022. Board members are elected for four (4) year terms.
Misty A. Odenweller is running for Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Position 3.
1. Share about yourself and your background.
My name is Misty Odenweller, Christian, wife, mother, Mimi, former educator, and small business owner. These roles have directly impacted me and have provided me with experiences that will prove to be valuable to Conroe ISD.
I look at the relationship between the teacher and the parent as a partnership. Parents and teachers must collaborate, or our children’s education will fail. This is an idea that held true throughout my years as a teacher.
As an involved mother and grandmother, I understand the concerns parents are dealing with, and want to do everything in my power to address them and provide solutions. My role as a parent has shown me that even when you lacked the resources, you always must find a solution for the safety and growth of your child. This experience will translate into how I address the important concerns of parents across the district.
My experience as a business owner revealed to me not just the importance of understanding the financial outcome of each decision, but how important it is to analyze the ramifications my decision could place on those that I serve.
2. What motivates you to run for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees?
I am passionate about education. I can relate to the concerns of patents, teachers, and community members and will diligently work to implement practical solutions. I will listen to my constituents and leverage my experiences as an educator and small business owner to address the range of concerns that exist across our diverse district. I look forward to partnering with the community to ensure CISD offers a high quality education for all students.
3. What are 5 things that you want voters to know about you (personal, points, views, experience, etc.)?
As I addressed some of this above, I will share four.
Heart for Serving: I have been an engaged community member all my life. Serving others is a love language for me and serving the community of CISD is just on a bigger scale. I am eager to step up and use my skills to better the education of our children.
Willingness to Work: The needs of our CISD schools are great. Four areas I know we are not addressing appropriately enough are the needs of our learning challenged students, indoctrinating content in our education, and inappropriate books that go against state law. These will not be popular stances with current leadership, will take a lot of time to address, and time in Austin. I am willing to do the work and take the pushback.
Nothing to Gain: This is a completely volunteer position that I will gain absolutely nothing from in any way. I have no political aspirations, no financial gain, and it will cost me in many ways. I am doing this because I see a need and I am a woman of my word and action.
Collaborative Worker: I believe strongly in collaborative work environments and that we must consult the people in the trenches when making decisions that will impact our children’s learning and environment. I don’t believe we are listening and acting in the best interest of the three most important parts of CISD, the parent, the teacher, and the student. We have parents pulling students in record numbers. We have teachers walking away in record numbers. We have a divide and disconnect greater than ever. And our children are in the lowest rankings and emotional and social wellbeing ever. We need to address and fix why.
4. If elected, what would your top 3 priorities be?
My three most important priorities are to get parents back in charge of their child’s education. To get our district focused on educating and not indoctrinating. We need transparency of the Board with the public. We have all the discussion and agreements being made before Board meetings. We need the public to see what is discussed, where the Board stands, and an up or down vote. We need our Board to be in charge and recognize that fact.
5. Would you like to share any other words or message?
I see the education of our children being corrupted at the hands of our educational system. CISD is the ninth largest district in the state out of 1200. We need to stand up here in our community and in Austin and take back that system. The adage that children are our future has stood the test of time. Therefore, we must advocate for education that teaches our children to love, not hate, to think deeply/critically, not blindly follow, and to live boldly.
Learn more about Misty A. Odenweller:
- Campaign Website: https://www.mistyforcisd.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MistyforCISD
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misty4cisd/
Visit the Hello Woodlands 2022 Election Guide for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Candidates to view all candidates, interviews, and voting information here.
Visit the Conroe ISD Trustees Elections page to learn more about the November 8, 2022 election here.
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.