Richard Franks: The Woodlands Township Candidate – Position 3
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not endorse or support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to candidates running for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to complete a written interview including the same seven (7) questions. View candidate’s responses to our questions, if provided.
Each position has a two-year term, is an unpaid volunteer position, and is elected at-large by voters in The Woodlands Township in both Montgomery County and Harris County. The election is scheduled for November 5, 2024. Voters must be registered to vote for The Woodlands election.
Richard Franks is running for The Woodlands Township Board Position 3.
1. Share your background. What originally brought you to The Woodlands?
I discovered The Woodlands in 1997 when my company bought the local newspapers surrounding Houston, including The Woodlands Villager and the Conroe Courier. We moved the headquarters from Dallas to offices on Timberloch and bought a home in Grogan’s Point. Although we moved to Boston in 2002, we liked The Woodlands so much that we bought the house we now occupy in 2006.
2) Why do you enjoy living and working, (if applicable) in The Woodlands?
The Township’s current model has led to The Woodlands being one of the most desirable places to live and work in the entire country. Our government is far smaller and more responsive than that of a traditional city, and our township system allows us to keep taxes low. I support our limited, responsive government structure and low taxes. I only wish that I had this during my time as a city administrator.
3. How have you served and/or how do you currently serve and contribute to our community?
Over the years I have made it my life’s work to be involved with my communities. I served my country honorably and received a Bronze Star and Army Commendation Oak Leaf Cluster while serving as 1st Lieutenant in Vietnam. I also was once the Chief Administrative Officer for the city in which I lived after receiving my Masters in Public Administration from the University of Illinois. In this position I was responsible for all departments, budget, federal, state and county contracts and all labor relations. I was also responsible for sister city issues which is not unlike all of the jurisdictional issues we have here today.
I chaired Ameriflora, an International event, with 12 different participating countries. A few years ago I helped stop the incorporation effort here in The Woodlands. I am currently a Director and Treasurer of The Woodlands Township.
4) What motivates you to run for The Township Board of Directors?
I come from a family that believes in public service. Both my grandfather and father were on the public school boards and between the two served as Mayor of my small Illinois hometown for 50+ years. My nephew is now Mayor, and the Village Community Center is named in honor of my father.
5) What are 3 things you want voters to know about you (personal, views, experiences) etc?
I think the important thing to know about me is that I really want to do this. I could be spending my retirement doing a number of things, but I want to continue to spend my days working for the residents and businesses of The Woodlands.
I have enjoyed my first two years and feel my colleagues and I have brought a real sense of stability and accountability to the Board. I am proud of what we have accomplished the last two years and look forward to continuing our approach to responsive, transparent and accountable programs. I would also like to encourage more citizen education and involvement as reflected in the Village Presidents Council. We have a highly talented community which I believe could assist the board in many areas.
6) If elected, what would your top 3 priorities as a Township Board of Director be?
I want to insure our continued economic position by support of quality business relocation programs, and continue our support of entertainment and retail operations. This wil keep our taxes low.
I also supported our establishment of a new facilities maintenance staff to ensure our many public facilities (some now sharing our 50th birthday) remain in excellent condition. We must maintain the quality of excellence that our residents have come to expect.
I also want to continue to support our consideration of a Performing Arts Center. I believe that to be one of the last pieces of our great entertainment venues and one that feeds our hotels, retail and restaurants. We must maintain our position as the “magnet” for North Harris and Montgomery County.
I also support a formal Intergovernmental organization to better serve the residents of The Woodlands and our neighboring communities.
Further, I want to ensure we continue to support and improve communication with our residents to make sure we are meeting the needs of our entire community.
7) Would you like to share any other words or message to The Woodlands Community?
I am very proud of the work my colleagues and I have done for the last two years and look forward to the opportunity to continue our work for this special place.
Learn more about Richard Franks at:
- Campaign Website:
- Facebook: Vote Richard Franks, The Woodlands Township 2024
Visit the Hello Woodlands 2024 Election Guide for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Candidates to view all candidates, interviews, and voting information here.
Please visit the November 2024 Election section on The Woodlands Township’s website for additional information about the November 5, 2024 election at
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, and credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles.