Steve Lawrence: The Woodlands Township Candidate
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not endorse or support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group.
Hello Woodlands gave the opportunity to candidates running for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to complete a written interview including the same 7 questions. View candidate’s responses to our questions, if provided.
Each position has a two-year term, is an unpaid volunteer position, and is elected at-large by voters in The Woodlands Township in both Montgomery County and Harris County. The election is scheduled for November 8, 2022. Voters must be registered to vote for The Woodlands election.
Steve Lawrence is running for the Township Board Position 4.
1. Share your background. What originally brought you to The Woodlands?
After Pan Am ceased operations, in 1992, I moved to Spring to be close to my extended family. Moved up to MoCo in 1996, then The Woodlands in 2000.
2. Why do you enjoy living in The Woodlands?
It’s the amenities and services that provide the “look & feel” of The Woodlands. This is the first reason. Second, a greater number of people passing by acknowledge your existence with a greeting. It is pleasant here.
3. How have you served and/or how do you currently serve and contribute to our community?
I am active in my church greeting and leading small group classes. Since 2016, I have been actively campaigning for my favorite candidates. I am now a precinct chairman and I have been an election judge.
4. What motivates you to run for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors?
Two important Directors are moving on. I am known to support this Board’s fiscal policies. They have left us in the best possible position financially to weather the economic storm we have already started to feel. My goal is to follow their best practices.
5. What are 5 things that you want voters to know about you (personal, points, views, experience, etc.)?
- I am a fiscal and social conservative and Christian.
- Leadership & management skills that were developed through training, creation & development of operational plans and the operational execution of those plans has been outstanding preparation for this Director position.
- As a pilot, effective resource management has always been my top consideration. It has effects at all organizational levels from the individual & family to the Township and nation. Resource management requires understanding how systems work together and how they affect each other.
- I possess an attention to detail that others notice and comment on.
- I am retired and available.
6. If elected, what would your top 3 priorities as a Township Board of Director? How would you work to impact/shape the future of The Woodlands?
- Maintain the current Board’s stellar fiscal planning performance.
- Maintain & expand amenities & services Township residents have come to expect.
- Keep the Board of Directors under resident control, rather than allow it to be controlled by the developer.
Best way to impact the future is to accurately forecast that future before it arrives. We have significant challenges coming our way. Even if November 8th brings the change in Congress we need, debt and other pressures are going to affect our future. Decisions will need to be made based on that understanding.
7. Would you like to share any other words or message to The Woodlands community?
With inflation and housing appraisals soaring, the task of maintaining the Township’s current lofty standards for amenities and services while also maintaining resident approval (mid-90 percentile in the latest resident survey) without additional property taxes will be a significant challenge, but it’s not insurmountable. We should intentionally attract additional sales and hotel taxes as well as adjust program fees to keep property taxes low.
Learn more about Steve Lawrence:
- Website:
Visit the Hello Woodlands 2022 Election Guide for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Candidates to view all candidates, interviews, and voting information here.
Please visit the November 2022 Election section on The Woodlands Township’s website for additional information about the November 8, 2022 election at
Please note that Hello Woodlands is an unbiased, nonpartisan news source that does not support only one party or candidate. We do not accept or receive advertising or funding from any candidate, party or group. We believe in providing the community with educational information, credible facts, thoroughly researched topics and articles, and to be a voice for ALL members in our community.