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Tennis Ball Recycling Program Receives “Green Tennis” Honors

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THE WOODLANDS, TX – The Woodlands Township’s tennis program is celebrating a significant milestone with its tennis ball recycling program. The program received the “Green Tennis” certification which honors tennis facilities championing environmental sustainability through tennis ball recycling. Since the program’s inception in 2022, The Woodlands community has recycled more than 10,000 tennis balls.




Tennis players are encouraged to continue recycling their tennis balls at the following locations:

The Recreation Center at Bear Branch Park
5310 Research Forest Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381

Cranebrook Park
11800 Crane Brook Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77382

Sawmill Park
2200 Millpark Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Shadowbend Park
4995 Lake Woodlands Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77382

Wendtwoods Park
8950 Creekside Green Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77375




Please note tennis balls can only be recycled through special collection bins at these locations. Tennis balls are not accepted in curbside recycling carts.

For more information about the tennis ball recycling program, please contact the Tennis Program Coordinator at The Recreation Center at Bear Branch Park at 281-210-3950.For more opportunities to recycle in The Woodlands, please view the Recycle More Guide at
