The Woodlands 44th Annual Arbor Day Tree Giveaway
The Woodlands Annual Arbor Day Tree Giveaway was held on Saturday, January 25, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at its new location at Northshore Park. The Woodlands celebrated its 44th year of giving away seedlings, making it one of the longest-standing community traditions.
This year’s event was produced by The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department in partnership with The George Strake District of the Boy Scouts of America and with support from sponsor The Howard Hughes Corporation®.
View photos taken at the event by Rod Prado of Hello Woodlands on our Facebook page:
Since 1977, more than 1.5 million seedlings have been given away at Arbor Day in The Woodlands. This year, 12 varieties of native seedlings were available that can be categorized into canopy and understory trees.
Trees that make up the canopy, or upper layer of the forest, typically reach heights that range from 40 to 90 feet at full maturity. The following canopy trees were available this year: American Sycamore, Green Ash, Loblolly Pine, Overcup Oak, Southern Magnolia, Sugar Hackberry and Tulip Poplar.
Understory trees available this year ranged in height from 8 to 20 feet at maturity and are generally more shade tolerant. These smaller varieties include: Eastern Redbud, Possumhaw Holly, Roughleaf Dogwood, Spicebush and Witch Hazel. Each of these native seedlings benefits local wildlife. Flowering varieties provide nectar for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Berry producing trees offer small mammals and birds a source of food and many of these trees are host plants for butterflies, providing nutritious leaves for caterpillars to consume.
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