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The Woodlands Township COVID-19 Updates on March 16

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The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Chairman Gordy Bunch shared an update at 1 p.m. on March 16.

The following updates were shared via video:

The Township has cancelled all event permits through April 2020. View article here

Waste Management has confirmed will continue normal operations.

The Woodlands Township has activated the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

The Woodlands Township had a call with state, county and federal agencies on efforts. Testing kits have arrived in Texas and currently being distributed. Local testing sites will be announced as soon as available.

For those who are symptomatic (COVID-19) and concerned:

  • For Montgomery County residents call 936-523-5040
  • For Harris County residents call 713-634-1110

Grocery stores are continuing to restock daily, limits have been eliminated on restocking. Please buy what you need for the week, and not what you need for a lifetime.

CDC has expanded restricted settings of gatherings of 50 or more people at events. View order here for Montgomery County

CDC has also recommended school closures for 8 weeks.

Superintendents of local districts are getting together at 1:30 p.m.and are planning to provide updates around 6 p.m. today. (Tomball, Conroe and Magnolia ISD)

Interfaith of The Woodlands and Montgomery County Food Bank will be in need volunteers and donations. List of needs to be received, drop off points being arranged. More information to come.

The Woodlands Township will receive communications from Health Districts and nonprofit organizations. The Woodlands Township will be sharing consolidated news release daily and send to the community.

The Woodlands Township recommendations to take out, to go, or delivery at local restaurants. Social Distancing can make a difference.

The Woodlands Township is in a strong financial position and reserves to overcome this event. The Woodlands Township is here to help and will make more updates when they have more information.

View the video on The Woodlands Township Facebook page here.

Source: The Woodlands Township

