Township Launches Tech Free 4 Me Driving Village Challenge
THE WOODLANDS, TX– The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch has launched a new Tech Free 4 Me Driving Village Challenge, with a goal of helping to reduce the perils of distracted driving. The Village Challenge will run until October 15, 2019, for residents of The Woodlands.
Distracted driving leads to more than 1,000 injuries daily across the nation. Drivers are 23 times more likely to crash when texting and driving. In Texas alone, there has been a death on the roadways every single day for the past 18 years. By joining the Village Challenge, residents of The Woodlands can do their part to ensure safety on the roads.

The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch has launched a new Tech Free 4 Me Driving Village Challenge in partnership with SAFE 2 SAVE. Businesses or organizations throughout the Township can contact Neighborhood Watch to learn more about educational programming that can be provided. Pictured above from left to right: Meagan Kamra of SAFE 2 SAVE, Township Director of Law Enforcement Services Marian Leck, Township Chairman Gordy Bunch and Christina Rudolph of SAFE 2 SAVE.
SAFE 2 SAVE is a mobile app which encourages users to avoid using their phone while driving. Residents are invited to download the app, enter their Village Code and begin earning points for driving tech-free. Points accumulated while driving safely can be redeemed for discounted and free items at local and online businesses. Points earned are also credited to the driver’s village. The village association with the top three point totals will win $1,000, $700 or $300, respectively. The app is free and available via the App Store and Google Play. For Village Codes, please visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/neighborhoodwatch and select Village Challenge. Additionally, residents can enter the code ‘WOODLANDS’ when downloading to earn an instant 500 points.
“Distracted driving is the leading cause of crashes in our community,” said Township Chairman Gordy Bunch. “The SAFE 2 SAVE app builds awareness, rewards good behavior and provides incentives for people to drive tech-free. I’m already using it, as are members of my family. When the family is in the car together, we can all activate the app and earn points for safe driving, whether in the driver’s seat or as a passenger. So not only are we driving safely, but we are also fostering good habits for passengers and engaging in conversation rather than screen time. I encourage our residents to download the app and to challenge their neighbors and friends to do the same. Be sure to visit our local businesses to redeem the discounts and incentives that you earn by participating.”
In addition to downloading the SAFE 2 SAVE app, residents are invited to take the Tech Free 4 Me Pledge at www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/neighborhoodwatch. The pledge reiterates the importance of safe driving and reminds drivers of positive habits that lead to safer roadways.
The Tech Free 4 Me Driving Village Challenge is sponsored by The Woodlands Township Neighborhood Watch, SAFE 2 SAVE, Memorial Hermann Life Flight, and Herminia Sitter – Allstate.