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Veterans Service Office launches new service; Director wins state award

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County Judge Craig Doyal has announced that the Montgomery County Veterans Service Office has launched a new program that will expand its ability to assist veterans, their dependents and survivors with claims. Veterans Service Office Director Kay Lee was also recently honored with a prestigious state award for her work.

“Kay has more than 30 years of experience serving veterans; this county is privileged to have her leadership, and I am thankful she works to continually expand her office’s capabilities,” Judge Doyal said.

Over the course of the past year, Veterans Service Officer Kay Lee has been obtaining training for her staff and make other necessary changes to receive National and State accreditation. The accreditation made it possible for the office to obtain access to the Department of Veterans Affairs database. The staff started accessing the database about two weeks ago, Lee said.

“It has allowed us limited access to historical information in the Department of Veteran Affairs data base,” Lee said, “such as past and present claims filed, rating decisions, correspondence, and other files. With this information we will have the knowledge to better serve our veterans with any initial or future request for benefits.”


Before adding the new service the office already had made impressive strides in handling claims, with a 47 percent increase just this past year in claims submitted – and that was done without adding any staff.

Now, the same staff will have vital access to information to help those veterans submitting claims, Lee said. “This will enhance our overall approach in assisting our veterans, their dependents and survivors with their claims.”

As for the award, Lee, at a recent meeting of the Veterans County Service Officer Association of Texas, received the Outstanding Veterans County Service Office award for the East Texas Region for 2016-2017.

Lee was chosen by her peers throughout the State of Texas for this recognition. According to the citation for the award, Lee was honored because she is “an outstanding advocate and friend to the veteran community.” The association especially noted her efforts to provide counseling services for veterans at the office. She has since established two satellite locations for the service.

Lee also was presented with a Certificate of Excellence from Texas Veterans Commission for “her steadfast dedication and commitment to Texas veterans and their families.”

“I’m proud of my office and all we are doing as we strive to provide the best possible service to our veterans,” Lee said.
