40+ Local Charities to support on Giving Tuesday
Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.
One of the best ways to get involved is in your own community. Get involved by donating funds, needed goods, or your time, start a fundraiser, attend or host an event, and find creative ways to give back. We have created a list of 40+ 501(c)(3) charities in Montgomery County to help you find organizations, charities, events and get involved.
American Heart Association of Montgomery County is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is: “Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.” heart.org
Breast Cancer Charities of America exists to eliminate breast cancer as a life-threatening illness. They bring together organizations representing all health and social service disciplines in the commitment to establish new and unprecedented levels of effectiveness in research, education, advocacy and support. iGoPink.org
Bridgewood Farms provides programs and services to enable individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to reach their highest potential through training and life experiences that build self-esteem and promote personal independence. BridgewoodFarms.org
C.A.S.A. Child Advocates of Montgomery County provides and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so that every abused and neglected child can have the opportunity to thrive in a safe, nurturing permanent home. CASASpeaks4Kids.com
Cassidy Joined For Hope focuses on teen suicide awareness and prevention, spreading suicide awareness support throughout the entire community through speaking events, educating our community about the real pressures and dangers our teens are facing today, and focusing on preventative measures. cassidyjoinedforhope.com
Children’s Safe Harbor protects and enhances the life of every child who has the courage to battle sexual and physical abuse. childrenssafeharbor.org
Emergency Chaplain Group has a mission to come alongside first responders who experience extraordinary human events daily and to offer them emotional and spiritual support services. EmergencyMinistries.org
FAITH Fighting Cancer in Montgomery County provides emotional and/or financial support for cancer patients and families as well as assist in educational and preventative care programs in Montgomery County and surrounding areas. faithfightingcancermc.org
Glade Arts Foundation provides a unique and accessible fine arts experience with programs focused on art education, scholarships, community based public art projects and curated museum-like exhibit center showcasing local and international artists and acclaimed private and public art collections. gladeartsfoundation.org
Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County is a volunteer-based organization that works in partnership with God and people from all walks of life to improve the quality of life in our community by building and/or renovating houses so that there are simple, decent, affordable homes in which people can live and grow into all that God intends. HabitatMCTX.org
HandUp Global Goods seeks to establish a global connection where all goods exchanged are developed with dignity. They uphold this connectedness by linking arms with pre-artisans in communities marked by poverty and seeking spiritual and social change together. handupglobalgoods.org
HGI Counseling Center transforms lives and communities with innovative and collaborative therapy, training and research. talkhgi.org
Houston Animal Rescue Team is dog rescue comprised of volunteers who want to make a difference in outcomes for homeless dogs. HartRescue.com
Interfaith of The Woodlands is a faith-based orgainzation bringing people together to build a more loving and caring community through service. woodlandsinterfaith.org
Jack and Jill of America, Inc is an African-American organization of mothers who nurture future leaders by strengthening children ages 2-19 through chapter programming, community service, legislative advocacy and philanthropic giving. https://www.jackandjillthewoodlands.com/
Junior League of The Woodlands is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. JLTheWoodlands.org
Lone Star College Foundation has a mission is to change lives through student scholarships and quality educational programs achieved by excellence in relationship building, fundraising, and investment management. lonestar.edu/giving.com
Love Fosters Hope brings hope, healing and a bright future to kids in foster care who have likely been abused, abandoned and neglected. lovefostershope.org
Meals on Wheels of Montgomery County is a volunteer driven network of home delivered meal services providing the elderly of our community with a nutritious meal, a safety check, a friendly face, and transportation. mowmc.org
Memorial Hermann In The Pink of Health changes lives by raising funds to reduce the incidence of breast and ovarian cancer and assist survivors in their journey. inthepinkofhealth.org
Mercy House exists to support and provide alternative options for pregnant girls living in the streets of Kenya. mercyhouseglobal.org
Montgomery County Animal Shelter strives to promote humane treatment of animals, prevent cruelty to animals, and provide a facility to return animals to their rightful owners. It is a shelter established to protect, feed, and house the stray, injured, abused or unwanted animals in Montgomery County, Texas. It is primarily funded by Montgomery County government and private donations through non-profit partners. When owners can’t be found, or animals are discarded by irresponsible owners, the shelter and many passionate, devoted volunteers hope to find them the permanent, furever homes they deserve. www.mcaspets.org
Montgomery County Community Foundation provide leadership in Montgomery County by directing sustainable financial resources that strengthen our community and improve the quality of life for current and future generations. mccfoundation.org
Montgomery County Food Bank uses food, money and volunteers to feed the hungry in Montgomery County 365 days of the year. The food bank is also a first-responder for any disaster in Montgomery County, providing food to those impacted. mcfoodbank.org
Montgomery County Homeless Coalition is dedicated to promoting the belief that affordable housing, sufficient food, and the opportunity to work for a living wage are fundamental rights of a civilized society. It is our desire to foster community collaboration of resources and empowerment for the homeless and near homeless toward their journey home. helpmchc.wixsite.com/mchc
Montgomery County Women’s Center has a mission is to lead the effort in preventing domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, assistance, advocacy, empowerment, and social change. mcwctx.org
Montgomery County Youth Services provides crisis counseling, shelter programs and prevention services to strengthen families, keep youth in school and prepare them to be productive citizens. youthmc.org
New Danville is a self-sustaining, master-planned, integrated community where adults with disabilities and the elderly can Live, Learn, Work, and Grow emotionally, socially, and spirtually with their non-disabled peers. newdanville.org
Operation Pets Alive! is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to working with people and government to provide life-saving, no-kill programs to our community through innovative programs. operationpetsalive.org
Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch has a goal to break down barriers and celebrate the inclusion of individuals with physical, emotional, and social disabilities. They offer exceptional equine assisted therapy and activities in a loving Christian environment. InspirationRanch.org
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary is dedicated to rescuing and providing a loving, exceptional home to non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs, and to educating the public about these animals. www.saintfranciswolfsanctuary.org
Salvation Army of Montgomery County is the only Emergency shelter in Montgomery county for men and single women, providing social services for all. salvationarmyusa.org
Texas Animal Society promotes the health and care of pets in your community through involvement, education and prevention (spay/neuter), to give a voice to the animals in need and to provide a means for others to help in the plight of dogs and cats in need of assistance, care and homes. Through the means of rescue, volunteering and fostering they can help accomplish the ultimate goal of providing quality care and humane livelihood for dogs and cats in Texas. They strive to work with individuals, county facilities, other rescues and local communities. texasanimalsociety.org
The Refugee Project has a mission to come along side refugees who have displaced from their country and share the gospel while equipping and training them to lead meaningful and productive lives in America. therefugeeproject.net
The Woodlands Art Council has a mission to provide regional cultural enrichment opportunities that encourage, support and promote the performing and visual arts. Its strategic priorities are to (1) present The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival and other community art events; (2) offer scholarships to aspiring young artists; (3) support performing and visual arts programs in the schools; and (4) develop partnerships with others to create a strong arts presence in the area. thewoodlandsartscouncil.org
The Woodlands Charities, Inc. holds fund-raisers and brings awareness for selected Montgomery County Charities, and funds raised donated directly to the Charity. TheWoodlandsCharities.org
The Woodlands Children’s Museum creates opportunities that educate, empower, and excite children and families through play while inspiring a lifelong sense of wonder and discovery. woodlandschildrensmuseum.org
Uresti Giving Foundation aims to provide financial assistance for organizations that that support children with cancer and their families. Join us at Karaoke and Cocktails this Wednesday, November 29.
We See Abilities transforms lives through the joys of sports and community activities everywhere everyday by highlighting their abilities in life. Join us at The Merry Christmas Market this Saturday, December 3.
Will Herndon Research Fund is dedicated to saving Will Herndon, son of Missy & Wayne. Since 2009, they have raised nearly $5 million for Batten research. willherndon.org
At Hello Woodlands, we love to do our part by spreading awareness, volunteering, and highlighting the efforts and needs of local charities and non-profits in our community. Please take a few moments to view our Charity Page, discover how you can join the movement, attend local events (view our Calendar page) supporting nonprofit organizations, and get involved by supporting local charities and non-profits with your time, skills, gifts, and service.
Have a wonderful Giving Tuesday!
Did we miss your favorite 501(c) organization? Let us know by emailing us at info@hellowoodlands.com.