Conroe ISD Trustees Approve 21-22 School Calendar
CONROE, TX – At their meeting Tuesday night, the Board of Trustees adopted the 2021-2022 School Calendar as recommended by the CISD District-Level Planning and Decision-Making Committee (DLPDMC).
The 2021-2022 calendar reflects 176 days of instruction and a minimum of 75,600 instructional minutes for students and 187 working days for teachers.
Additional highlights include:
- First Day of School: August 11, 2021
- Student Holidays:
- September 6: Labor Day
- October 8-11: Holiday
- November 22-26: Thanksgiving Break
- December 20-January 4: Winter Break
- January 17: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- February 21: Presidents’ Day
- March 11-18: Spring Break
- April 15-18: Holiday
- Last Day for Students: May 26, 2022
Two 2021-2022 draft calendars were posted on the CISD website and provided to campuses to share with their staff and community. During this time, over 2,800 comments were submitted through the District’s website. The DLPDMC reviewed the comments and suggestions received from staff, parents, and the community and recommended Calendar Draft C1.
In her presentation to the Board of Trustees, Dr. Hedith Upshaw, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, noted the features of the calendar.
The approved 2021-2022 School Calendar is available on the District’s website at