Cooper’s ‘Egg Cam’ Livestreams Hatchlings
THE WOODLANDS, TX – With the help of technology, kindergarten students at The John Cooper School, plus a wide online audience, are watching nature at its best. Thanks to the webcam that livestreams the Chick Project, viewers are patiently waiting to see chicken eggs hatch in Jane Choi’s kindergarten science classroom.
For the third consecutive spring, Choi and her students have incubated fertilized chicken eggs. Once hatched, students are given careful instruction on how to handle the chicks. The brood is then kept in the classroom for two weeks, allowing classes to witness the hatchlings’ growth and development.

“There is no better science teacher than nature,” Choi said. “In this digital era where children are conditioned to expect immediate results at the touch of a button, nature engages in the forgotten art of patience. It has been inspiring to watch squirmy six-year-olds grow calm and serious as the responsibility of caring after a fragile life form is foisted onto their shoulders.”
At the end of two weeks, the chicks will be taken back to a family farm located just outside Milano, Texas, where they will be reunited with their parents, siblings, and new chicken friends.
At the project’s initiation in 2017, there were well over 2,000 viewers watching the chicks hatch on a daily basis! Monday, April 29 is the expected Hatch Day for this year, and viewers can access the live “Egg Cam” atwww.johncooper.org/live.
Established in 1988, The John Cooper School is an independent, college preparatory school for students in Pre-K through Grade 12. For more information, visit www.johncooper.org.C