Countywide Mosquito Aerial Spraying
Montgomery County, TX – September 8, 2017
The rains from Harvey has caused water to collect in many areas, this standing water will cause a mass emergence of mosquitos. Because of this, there will be a county wide aerial spraying that will begin next week. Once the Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management knows the specific days the aerial spraying will take place they will inform the public.
Besides, being a nuisance, this could also increase the number of mosquitos capable of spreading diseases like West Nile Virus and Zika. They will also impact first responders and flood recovery efforts.
According to the CDC, when large areas need to be treated quickly aerial spraying is the most effective and does not present a risk to people, pets or other animals. The insecticide is dispersed by airplanes equipped with nozzles that create droplets just the right size to kill mosquitoes. Once any remaining droplets settle to the ground, they quickly break down on surfaces, in water and in sunlight.
The licensed professional will use about an ounce (one to two tablespoons) per acre. If you would prefer to stay inside and close your windows and doors, when spraying takes place you can, but Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management states it is not necessary.
In the meantime, the Environmental Protection Agency suggests:
• Help eliminate any standing water (even small amounts) to prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs. If water cannot be eliminated, such as in ornamental water features, use larvicides (available at many retailers) or other control measures to minimize opportunities for breeding. For example, you might be able to add fish that eat larvae to a pond, or add a fountain or aerator to keep the water moving.
• Use window and door screens to keep mosquitoes from entering your home, workplace, or children’s schools.
• Use EPA-registered insect repellents to prevent getting bitten. Products that are EPA-registered have been confirmed to be safe and effective when you follow the directions.
• Dress in light-colored clothing, long pants, and long sleeves.
Learn more at www.mctxoem.org for more information.
Source: Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management