Day Care Worker Charged with Injury to a Child
On March 22, 2017, the Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office was notified by a parent that their daughter had sustained physical injuries at the hands of a day care worker. The incident occurred at the Children’s Lighthouse Daycare located at 2885 Waterbend Cove, in Spring.
Upon further investigation by the Precinct 3 Computer Crimes Unit, a video was recovered that shows the suspect Gregory Diglin grab the 4 year old girl by the arm and slam her to the ground. Upon striking the ground the child’s face contacts the floor and she immediately begins to scream in pain. The video then shows Diglin take the child to the other side of the room and attempt to clean up her blood.
As a result of the investigation Diglin was charged with Injury to a Child a 3rd degree felony. He was taken into custody at his home in Harris County and is currently in the Montgomery County, Jail with a $250,000.00 bond.
The child has been seen by medical personnel and is expected to recover. There may possibly be long term dental trauma but that is yet to be determined.
Should anyone else have possible information on other victims please contact Investigator Epperson @ 281-364.4211