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Township makes Proclamation over Diversity and Immigration

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During The Woodlands Township Board of Directors meeting Wednesday, March 22, 2017, the Board approved a proclamation encouraging Township residents and businesses to recognize the value of a diverse community.

After hearing comments from the public, The Woodlands Township Board of Directors discussed matters relating to the appropriate wording of the proclamation to ensure that it would be inclusive of all community members. The proclamation honors and supports the Township’s long standing tradition of advancing a community where everyone feels welcome, safe and secure, while remaining a place for all residents to live, work, play and learn in harmony with fellow citizens.


Whereas, there has been considerable discussion within the federal and state government about changes in immigration laws; and

Whereas, some of the media reports regarding enforcement of immigration laws has caused local concern; and

Whereas, The Woodlands Township has no authority over immigration laws and the enforcement of such laws; and

Whereas, The Woodlands Township is supportive of all legal immigrants living and working in the Township; and

Whereas, The Woodlands is home to a variety of people from different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds from around the world; and

Whereas, The Woodlands Township values the diversity of the population and the unique talents and personalities that help to enrich our community as a whole; and

Whereas, the diverse makeup of the community serves as an example for all neighborhoods, businesses and schools to follow; and 

Whereas, The Woodlands is a place that welcomes everyone from everywhere to grow and thrive; and 

Whereas, The Woodlands Township reaffirms the original vision of its founder regarding diversity and inclusiveness as exemplified in the original project agreement and the effort to use The Woodlands as an example to break the mold of the decline of the inner city; and 

Whereas, The Woodlands community shall always endeavor to remain a place for all residents — regardless of race, nationality, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and identity, and socioeconomic status — to live, work, play and learn in harmony with neighbors, employers, teachers and fellow citizens; 

Now, therefore, I, Gordy Bunch, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Woodlands Township, do hereby proclaim and encourage all residents and businesses in The Woodlands to recognize the value of a diverse community and to honor and support our long standing tradition of advancing a community where everyone feels welcome, safe and secure, to grow and thrive into the best future that we can envision. 


I have hereunto set my hand and caused this Seal of The Woodlands Township

to be affixed hereto this 22nd day of March in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen.

For more information on The Woodlands Township, please visit, or call 281-210-3800.
