Flushing of Woodlands Water Distribution System Set to Begin Feb. 4
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency has scheduled a flushing of the water distribution system for the Municipal Utility Districts serving The Woodlands, including:
- The Woodlands MUD No. 1
- Montgomery County MUD Nos. 6, 7, 36, 39, 46, 60, and 67
- The Woodlands Metro Center MUD
According to WJPA Deputy General Manager Michael O. Mooney, P.E., the flushing is scheduled to begin the week of Feb. 4, 2019, and will take approximately eight to 10 weeks to complete.
Flushing of a water distribution system is a normal maintenance procedure recommended by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Each flushing value (fire hydrant) in the water distribution system will be opened and allowed to flow water for a short period of time.
Naturally occurring minerals in the water, such as iron, will be agitated during the flushing process and may be observed to cause a temporary reddish or brown coloring in the water. The coloring results from oxidation of naturally occurring dissolved iron in the water and does not affect the suitability of the water for drinking. However, if you observe the reddish or brown coloring of water, please open faucets to flush out the water and do not wash clothes until the coloring dissipates.
If you have questions regarding the proposed flushing program, please contact the customer service division of The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency at 855-h2o-SAVE (855-426-7283).