Interfaith Keeps Seniors Dancing in The Woodlands
When 82 year old, John Berryman, learned the Senior Dance Club at The Woodlands location was losing their sponsor preventing seniors from an activity they have come to love, he knew he had to take action. He approached Interfaith of The Woodlands to help him save it and immediately knew he had made the right choice. He shared the rich history of the senior dances and the passion the seniors have for the club and a partnership was born.
The Senior Dance Club started more than two decades ago at a local church and has maintained some of the same dancers for over 24 years. Edna Wesneski, a longtime member of the club, recalls the early days, “A gentleman by the name of Bob Steele started it on April 1, 1993. He started it because his wife loved to dance and there wasn’t any place for them to go. We have been dancing together ever since.” The dance club began as a small group of friends coming together to dance and was named the “60 plus Dance Club.” Today, over 90 seniors attend. They are typically held once a month and have locations in Conroe and The Woodlands.
In December of 2016, the club lost their sponsor for The Woodlands location. The seniors desperately wanted to keep it because travel can be difficult, especially late at night. “We feared we would have to stop dancing and we really enjoy dancing. It gives the seniors something to do and its great exercise; we really look forward to it. Some of these people have serious health problems and have a hard time getting around but you would never know it. When they hear the music and get out on the dance floor, they are as good as new,” shared Berryman. “I just knew I had to do something to save it and that’s when I contacted Interfaith.”
Interfaith of The Woodlands was able to sponsor the dance club, keep it on the same night, and keep it at the same location making it a seamless transition for the seniors. “We immediately agreed to continue this wonderful program for the seniors in our community. Interfaith’s passion is to enrich the lives of seniors and this partnership is a perfect fit,” shared Missy Herndon, President & CEO of Interfaith of The Woodlands.
The Senior Dance Club is held at The South County Community Center is typically held on the first Thursday of month from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. A small band provides the entertainment playing mostly country music and includes a variety of dances like the polka, two-step, waltz, and swing. Couples and singles of all ages are welcome to attend. A $5 suggested donation is collected at the door. For more information, contact Debbie Repka at 832-615-8204 or at drepka@woodlandsinterfaith.org.
Interfaith of The Woodlands is a nonprofit social service agency providing numerous programs and services to meet the needs of The Woodlands and the surrounding area. For more information on Interfaith’s programs and services, or to become a volunteer, please visit: www.woodlandsinterfaith.org or call 281-367-1230.

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