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Keep US Fed Montgomery County Announces Five Millionth Pound of Food Rescued and Redistributed

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MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX – Keep US Fed Montgomery County (KUSF) has rescued and redistributed its five millionth pound of surplus food, at no cost, since 2015. This is equivalent to approximately 4.16 million meals for food-insecure residents in Montgomery County.

“We are incredibly grateful to over 100 volunteers, 22 food donor partners, 37 partner recipient organizations, and community partnerships who are the heartbeat of this organization and make such a huge impact on the livelihood of our hungry neighbors, all while reducing food waste,” says Executive Director, Tiffany Baumann Nelson. “We are facing unprecedented times with so much uncertainty. It is estimated that approximately 40% of food is thrown away, yet 12% of Montgomery County is still considered food insecure, and 15% are children. We help connect excess to need by getting surplus donated food to nonprofit partner organizations throughout Montgomery County.”




KUSF started in 2015 to join the fight against hunger. They began making only one food run per week and have grown to approximately 100 food runs per week, every single day of the year (except Christmas), increasing the need for more volunteers and expanding the impact on the community.

In 2015, KUSF collected and distributed approximately 20,000 pounds of food. This year they are currently distributing 120,000 pounds of food per month, which is a 6,000% daily increase in pounds of food rescued since KUSF’s inception.

Currently, KUSF’s volunteers use their personal vehicles, personal time, and giving hearts to feed the food insecure in Montgomery County via KUSF’s partner donors and recipients. KUSF hopes to continue its momentum by serving the needs of our community, alleviating hunger, and reducing food waste in Montgomery County. A donation of $1 = 18 meals worth of excess food being collected and delivered. KUSF and our food donors never charge for this food. Nelson says, “There is still work to be done. Hunger is a problem we can solve together.”

Keep Us Fed Logo 2020

KUSF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that partners with food donors such as grocers, local restaurants, hotels, and the Montgomery County Food Bank. Certified food handler volunteers pick up the excess food, weigh it, and then pack it for safe delivery to their partner recipients, such as shelters, group homes, and food pantries serving food-insecure residents of Montgomery County. To learn more about Keep US Fed, or for volunteering information, go to, like them on Facebook @KeepUSFedMoCo, and follow them on Instagram @keepusfed_montogmerycounty.
