Live Local Movement to benefit Local Businesses and Restaurants
The Woodlands, TX – Local business owners Russell Kalousek and Matt Kalousek are excited to announce the launch of a new website and new video for t-shirt sales benefiting local business and restaurants. The launch was announced in a video produced by locally owned, Lifted Media. When purchasing a Live Local t-shirt through the new website, 100% of the proceeds go directly back to local restaurants and businesses in need. The Live Local Movement was created in 2017 and helps show support for local businesses and restaurants.
“Supporting local businesses is a passion for us. We like to call it the “Recycling effect.” It’s when you live and own a small business in the local community, you then use other small businesses in your daily life and business which in turns keeps the money local. Those local businesses pay for children activities, donate to local churches and charities, and in turn grows a stronger community. By supporting local businesses, you are helping to stimulate the local economy.”, said Russell Kalousek.
For the Kalousek brothers it is not just business, it’s personal. As a small local business themselves, they know that their work touches lives and improves the local community. Helping local businesses keep their doors open and grow is the passion and fuel behind their business as they continue their mission of #EatShopLiveLocal and giving back in Montgomery County.

To purchase your Live Local Montgomery or Harris County t-shirt and give back to the local community, visit https://livelocalmovement.com/. 100% of proceeds will go back to local businesses and restaurants in need.
To watch the new Live Local Video visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO968QQe9yM.