Patriot Day of Remembrance ceremony held at The Woodlands Central Fire Station
The Patriot Day of Remembrance ceremony was held this morning Sunday, September 11 from 7:30 to 8 a.m. at the Central Fire Station located at 9951 Grogan’s Mill Road in The Woodlands. The ceremony included a Presentation of Colors by The Woodlands Fire Department Honor Guard, a reading of The Fireman’s Prayer, and The Ringing of the Bell in honor of fallen firefighters.
View photos from the event on the Hello Woodlands Facebook page and on Instagram:
The Woodlands Township Parks and Recreation Department is hosting two ceremonies today in remembrance of 9/11 and in honor of first responders: first, the Patriot Day of Remembrance ceremony, and second, the First Responders Day in The Woodlands.
Later today, the First Responders Day in The Woodlands will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at Northshore Park located at 2505 Lake Woodlands Drive in The Woodlands. The Woodlands Township will honor and thank first responders with a community-wide event featuring a Presentation of Colors, guest speakers, live music, inflatables, balloon art, food vendors and more. This event will take place with Concert in the Park and the community is invited to attend.
For up-to-date information on the event, including weather updates or postponement of any kind, please follow The Woodlands Township Parks and Recreation Facebook page at www.facebook.com/townshipparksandrec.
For more information on The Woodlands Township Parks and Recreation Department events, call 281-210-3800 or visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/parksandrecreation.