Public Hearing for Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan
Members of the community are invited to participate in the Public Hearing for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan at The Woodlands Township regular Board of Directors meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 26, 2016, at the Township Town Hall, 2801 Technology Forest Blvd., 77381.
The plan began in October 2015, and seeks to improve off-road and on-road facilities such as pathways, trails, bike lanes, shared lanes, multi-use pathways and other facilities to encourage safe walking and bicycle travel.
Residents were involved in the development of the draft plan through the formation of a steering committee, a public meeting for community members and various online commenting opportunities. The plan is the first of its kind for The Woodlands, and will assist the Township with planning for and prioritizing walking and biking projects over time.
A Steering Committee has been created for this planning effort to guide the direction of this Plan to ensure proper buy-in and support as project recommendations are made. The Steering Committee is made up of at least one representative from each Village Association, Bike the Woodlands Coalition, Township staff, and representation from The Woodlands Development Company. The Steering Committee will meet at least three times during the nine-month planning process.
For more information on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, please visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/ped-bike-plan.