Rotary Club of The Woodlands plants 600 trees with community
On Saturday, January 27, 2018 members from the Rotary Club of The Woodlands, family, friends, and the community gathered to plant 600 seedlings together at Dr. Ann K. Snyder Drive in the Village of Creekside Park in The Woodlands.
The rainy morning was the “perfect weather” for planting the trees said David Marks of Environmental Design, Inc. who led the group in an educational demonstration on how to plant the seedlings together. With the guidance of Environmental Design, Inc., a large tree transplanting contractor based in Tomball, the trees were planted by the 100 participants in just one hour.
“The project is part of Rotary International’s charge to every Rotarian around the world to plant a tree during this Rotary year,” shared Judy Olson, President of the Rotary Club of The Woodlands. “Our club has about 200 members so we planted trees not only for our club, but for other clubs and Rotarians as well.”
Members from Interact, Rotary’s service club for young people ages 14 through 18, were in attendance and helped at the event. The Rotary Club of The Woodlands sponsors Interact clubs at our five local high schools including The Woodlands High School, College Park High School, Oak Ridge High School, The John Cooper High School, and The Woodlands Christian Academy.
The seedlings were donated by The Woodlands Development Company for the annual event. Participants also enjoyed coffee, hot chocolate and snacks provided by Jose Palafox, Rotarian and owner of Starfox Financial Services, LLC.
The community is invited to join Rotary Club of The Woodlands and other clubs in Montgomery County at the upcoming tree-planting event on Saturday, February 24, 2018 in Woodforest. Stay tuned for more information about this event!
For more information about Rotary Club of The Woodlands and upcoming projects, visit www.woodlandsrotary.org.
View more photos and videos from the event on the Hello Woodlands Facebook and Instagram pages!