Township’s Memorial Day in The Woodlands: A Tribute to Our Fallen Heroes on May 26
The Woodlands Township invites residents to the Memorial Day in The Woodlands event on Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Town Green Park, 2099 Lake Robbins Drive, from 5 to 9 p.m.
Memorial Day in The Woodlands pays tribute to all military service men and women who lost their lives while serving in the United States military. Keynote speaker, Brigadier General Brandi Peasley, United States Army Reserve, Commanding General of the 451st Expeditionary Sustainment Command, will be featured along with the AUSA Houston Honor Your Hero Ceremony. This ceremony honors individuals who enter the United States Military to protect and provide for our beloved nation. Attendees will witness the swear-in and initiation ceremony as these young people begin a life of commitment and sacrifice.
“On behalf of The Woodlands Township Board of Directors, I am honored to extend a sincere invitation to all residents to join us for Memorial Day,” said Chairman Dr. Ann K. Snyder. “This event holds profound significance as our community’s heartfelt tribute to the brave individuals who sacrificed everything while serving in the United States military. Let us gather together on this day to remember and honor their courage and selflessness.”
The event will also feature live music by Timeless HTX (80s & 90s Rock) and will conclude with a fireworks display, choreographed to a patriotic soundtrack, weather permitting. Attendees are encouraged to sign up for text alerts for important event updates by texting MEMORIALDAY24 to 877-949-3956.
An onsite care package drop-off booth will be available to accept donations of recommended items for current troops. The complete list of suggested items is available at www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/memorialday.
In addition, strolling entertainers and children’s activities will delight the young ones. Concessions will be available for purchase at the event. Please note, the beverage booth will be cashless. Guests may pay with cash but will need to have exact change. Coolers, picnic baskets, blankets and lawn chairs are permitted. Glass is prohibited.
Free parking, generously donated by Timberloch, Inc., will be available at the orange, yellow, blue and white lots at 2002 Timberloch Place (accessible parking is available in the green lot with valid placard or plate). Parking at Market Street is strictly prohibited. Please view additional parking information on the Township website.
Memorial Day in The Woodlands is produced by The Woodlands Township Parks and Recreation Department and sponsored by The Howard Hughes Corporation® and Shake Shine The Woodlands. For the most up-to-date information on the day of the event, including weather updates or postponement of any kind, please follow The Woodlands Township Parks and Recreation Facebook page at www.facebook.com/townshipparksandrec, or sign up for text alerts by texting MEMORIALDAY24 to 877-949-3956.
Source: The Woodlands Township