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TWHS Cheerleader Squad makes Annual Gift of Handmade Blankets to NICU

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In early December, The Woodlands High School (TWHS) cheerleaders, led by Donna Roberts, visited the Richard Rivas, MD Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Medical Center to make their annual donation of handmade blankets.

The young ladies were able to personally give blankets to NICU parents for babies currently receiving care. One NICU mom even offered for the girls to see her premature twins, firsthand, in their isolettes and get a glimpse of her experience in the NICU.

Photo courtesy of Memorial Hermann; TWHS Cheerleading squad in Wolf Park and Playground at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands with their 24 gifted blankets for 2023.

The NICU team took the squad on a tour, discussed what types of babies are admitted to their unit for a higher level of care, and shared more about the large multidisciplinary team available to provide care, right here in the community.

TWHS cheerleading squad has made a tradition of the handmade blanket program for 9 years now with Memorial Hermann.

Source: Memorial Hermann

