Woodlands Christian Seniors Gather at Warrior Stadium to Watch the Sunrise
THE WOODLANDS, TX – The Woodlands Christian Academy organized a special opportunity for the class of 2023 to fellowship with one another and usher in their final year of high school during Senior Sunrise.

Held on the morning of August 19, 2022, Senior Sunrise is a popular tradition that culminates with the group taking in the beauty of the morning sunrise as a group. As students arrived on campus, they were welcomed with a full breakfast spread and coffee bar before remarks from students and administrators began. Senior Jayden Scrushy took the opportunity to urge his classmates toward gratitude, saying, “I think we need to be thankful for what we’ve been given here. We need to count these blessings that God’s given us and thank him.” High school Principal Stephen Clark used events from his own life to encourage the group to always find their identity in Christ.
The seniors participated in a dorm room raffle while watching the sun rise and then closed the event with a group prayer. Director of High School Academic & College Advising Amy Rowe sees first hand the amount of pressure that these students may be feeling as they finalize their plans for the fall. “They are working hard on their college applications,” Rowe said. “We feel it is important to honor and celebrate their achievements and thought Senior Sunrise and Senior Sunset would be great bookends to start and finish off their journey at Woodlands Christian.”
Woodlands Christian offers a rigorous academic program with faith integrated in the curriculum and co curricular activities, providing students with college prep starting in 8th grade. They have experienced unprecedented growth this year and and are still accepting applications for Fall 2022, but there are waitlists in several grades.
The Woodlands Christian Academy is an independent, Christ-centered college preparatory school that integrates learning with Biblical faith and spiritual growth, and challenges students to reach their highest potential – intellectually, creatively, physically and socially – for the glory of Jesus Christ. For more information visit twca.net.