Animal Cruelty Seizure Cases of Over 140 Dogs & Cats Bring MCAS Beyond Capacity; Adoption Fees Waived
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX – In just the last week and a half, Montgomery County Animal Services (MCAS) has had two animal cruelty cases resulting in the seizure of over 148 dogs & cats. MCAS is over capacity, particularly with dogs that are having to be housed two to a kennel.

As we continue to receive animals daily, we desperately need our community’s help getting dogs out of the shelter. None of us here at MCAS want to euthanize animals due to space but we are at a very critical state in regards to being over capacity. We are asking for help from adopters, fosters and our rescue partners!
While none of the animal cruelty case animals are currently available as we go through the court process, we have hundreds of others that are available. Adoption fees for all dogs will be waived through April 23rd. All adoptable pets will be vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped, and spayed or neutered.
We hope our community will show us some love. So many pets need help and we have great optimism that our community will help us. We ask everyone to tell your family, friends and coworkers that the MCAS needs their help. We encourage you to foster one (or more) of our animals or join our volunteer team – daily dog walkers are always needed. We appreciate all who adopt, foster, volunteer or simply help to spread the word that the shelter needs the community’s help. We also greatly appreciate all the rescue organizations who work hand in hand with the shelters to save pets. Every bit of help we receive directly benefits the animals.
Animal welfare nationally is in a very tough spot. Shelters all across the country are facing exceptional challenges with respect to capacity and staffing. Simply put, shelters cannot save their animals without the support of their communities. There are 85 million pet-owning households in the U.S. If we just had another 2% of pet-owning households foster one pet a year, we could end preventable euthanasia in shelters.
Our current specific need is finding placement for dogs housed in our kennel runs.
We would be so grateful for our community’s help in getting more of our animals into loving homes!

MCAS is Montgomery County’s animal shelter facility that covers a county area of over 1,000+ square miles. We encounter many unique challenges in dealing with animals as we service suburban as well as rural areas. The shelter is open Tuesday – Sunday, 11:30am-5pm for adoptions. For more information visit www.mcaspets.org or email Shelter.Counter@mctx.org.