Café Con Miguel brings together Local Business Owners and Professionals
Miguel Lopez, owner of Conganas LLC, hosts a monthly event called “Café Con Miguel” that invites local business owners, business professionals, and entrepreneurs for organic business discussions over coffee. Café Con Miguel also features an authentic Q&A with a business owner with an honest talk about their business, their struggles, best practices, their journey. The conversation is not rehearsed, it is an authentic conversation and an opportunity to learn from a business owner how he/she is living/doing/working “con ganas.” There is no cost to attend, no membership dues, and no referral requirements.
On the morning of Monday, July 11 Café Con Miguel was held at Sam Houston State University – The Woodlands Center and special guests Jennifer Bruse and Rod Prado, Founders and Owners of Hello Woodlands, joined Miguel Lopez for a candid discussion.
Watch the discussion in video below and on YouTube:
View photos from the event on the Hello Woodlands Instagram page:
Rhonda Ellisor, Director of Sam Houston State University Small Business Development Center (SHSU SBDC), welcomed the guests and attendees at the event and shared how the SHSU SBDC is committed to helping small businesses start, grow, expand, and succeed. A member of the University of Houston Texas Gulf Coast SBDC Network, SHSU SBDC provides no-cost business advising, education, and training to existing and future small business owners. The SHSU SBDC has expanded and now offers convenient locations in The Woodlands and Huntsville, serving Montgomery, Walker, San Jacinto, Madison, and Leon counties. Learn more at http://shsu.edu/sbdc.

About Miguel Lopez and Conganas LLC
Over the years, Miguel Lopez of Conganas LLC has collaborated with hundreds of micro and small business owners at varying stages of their business cycle: pre-venture, start-up, existing. He is tuned into and actively listens to the needs and goals of your business. Miguel works with and partners with his clients to establish a road map to achieving their goals and vision by placing tools and resources in play so progress can be made today.
To learn more and to contact Miguel Lopez of Conganas LLC, visit www.conganas.biz, connect on LinkedIn at http://linkedin.com/in/miguel-a-lopez-7946055, email miguel@conganas.biz, or by call 832-651-1616.
Join us for the next Café Con Miguel on Monday, August 15 at 8:30 a.m. (Networking from 8:15-8:45) at SHSU The Woodlands Center, 3380 College Park Dr., Auditorium Room 110. The featured guest will be Kathy Gregory with KG Wellness. Learn more and register today at https://www.conganas.biz/rsvp.