Conroe ISD Board of Trustees Call Bond Referendum
CONROE, TEXAS – The Conroe Independent School District Board of Trustees approved the Election Order and Notice for a May 4, 2019, School Bond Election at their meeting on January 15, 2019.
At the September 18, 2018, Board of Trustees’ Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the 2018 Facilities Planning Committee, comprised of 27 community members, for the purpose of reviewing the District’s continued growth, facility, and instructional needs for the next four years. The Facilities Planning Committee was also charged with making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to address those needs while impacting the tax rate as minimally as possible.
The Facilities Planning Committee met over a three-month period and made their recommendation to the Board of Trustees at the December 18, 2019, meeting. At the January 15, 2019, Board of Trustees’ Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved an $807,000,000 bond referendum for the May 4, 2019, election.
The bond referendum includes the construction of new schools and classroom additions to accommodate student growth; improvements and renovations to aged buildings and facilities to sustain capacity and accommodate growth; funding for Career and Technical Education facilities including robotics, automotive technology, and engineering design programs as well as an Agricultural/CTE Complex; a Teacher Training Facility; and the continuation of life cycle improvements and safety and security upgrades. The tax impact from the bond referendum is estimated to result in a $0.01 tax increase for next year. Over the life of the bond, it is estimated there could be a maximum tax rate increase of $0.03. Based on a $300,000 home in Conroe ISD, a $0.01 increase would result in a $2.29 monthly or $27.50 annual impact to the homeowner. A $0.03 increase would result in a $6.88 monthly or $82.50 annual impact to the homeowner.
A detailed list of projects included in the 2019 Bond Referendum along with other District information is available at bond.conroeisd.net.
The election will be held jointly with other Montgomery County governmental entities. The Montgomery County Election’s office will conduct the election. The Order and Notice calls for early voting sites and election day voting sites for the May 4, 2019, bond election to be the voting sites provided by Montgomery County. Early voting by personal appearance will be held Monday through Saturday, April 22, 2019, through April 30, 2019. Early voting hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. with the exception of certain dates set by the County when voters can vote between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.