Create Art at “One Plastic Beach” Workshop February 16
THE WOODLANDS – The Woodlands Arts Council is hosting a free workshop featuring artists Richard Lang and Judith Selby Lang who star in the movie “One Plastic Beach”, a powerful documentaries being shown at the Inspire Film Festival this weekend.
Community members of all ages are invited to create a piece of art at the Workshop that will be held in The Woodlands Arts Council location at Market Street located in the retail space between Chipotle and Bath and Body (former Luke’s Locker location).
The Langs are enthusiastic about sharing how to sort, arrange and assemble art using found plastic collected by the artists from beaches along the Kehoe Beach shores of northern California.
To see “One Plastic Beach” and all 31 films being featured at the Inspire Film Festival, visit www.inspirefilmfest.com.
The Woodlands Arts Council provides regional cultural and educational enrichment opportunities that encourage, support and promote the performing and visual arts in our community. From the award-winning Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival to the year-round community and educational outreach programs of Because Art Matters, the council has one primary goal of making our community better, Because Art Matters! Learn more at www.thewoodlandsartscouncil.org.