Forest Park The Woodlands honors veterans on Wreaths Across America Day
For the first time this year, Forest Park – The Woodlands participated in the nationwide effort of honoring local Veteran heroes laid to rest in the cemetery on the National Wreaths Across America Day on Saturday, December 16, 2023 by placing remembrance wreaths on the headstones of Veterans.
View photos and videos from the ceremony on the Hello Woodlands Facebook and Instagram pages:
Members of the community had the opportunity to purchase a wreath in memory of a loved one, a veteran, or to help ensure every veteran who is laid to rest at Forest Park – The Woodlands received a wreath. Spring Creek Area Blue Star Mothers coordinated the effort as a fundraiser to purchase wreaths and further their mission of serving Veterans locally and overseas. Blue Star Mothers of America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization of mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, and female legal guardians, who have children serving in the military, guard, or reserves, or children of veterans, consisting of 200 chapters across the nation.
Prior to the ceremony, volunteers from New Danville, and Boy Scouts of America Troops 777, 1777, Cub Scout Pack 777, and Venturing Crew 112 assisted with placing individual markers on the gravesites of Veterans to indicate the location for wreath laying. Over 400 veterans are laid to rest at Forest Park – The Woodlands.
Each Veteran will receive a wreath at the Park and those cremated will receive a wreath ornament.
Forest Park The Woodlands held a ceremonial event honoring the Veterans with participation from The Woodlands Fire Department Presenting the Colors, the National Anthem sung by David Weygandt, Invocation by Marine Veteran Brian Tally of the Tally Bills for Veterans, message by Marine Veteran Josh Cherry, and a Procession of Wreaths for each branch of the military followed by POW/MIA wreath, Gold Star Mothers and Blue Star Mothers. At the conclusion of the ceremony, families, volunteers, the American Heritage Girls, and members of the community placed wreaths on the designated Veteran markers. After each of the 360 handmade and unique balsam fir grown wreaths from Maine were placed, the Veteran’s name was read aloud so they will never be forgotten for serving our country. Veterans who were cremated received a wreath ornament.
Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Maine businessperson Morrill Worcester in 1992. The organization’s yearlong mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach, is conducted in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at more than 3,700 veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and overseas.
Forest Park The Woodlands Funeral Home & Cemetery located at 18000 I-45, The Woodlands, TX 77384. Learn more about Forest Park – The Woodlands at