Habitat for Humanity Creates Awareness of Housing Crises on World Habitat Day
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX – For World Habitat Day, October 1, 2018, Habitat for Humanity is creating awareness of the housing crises affecting the global population every day.
On October 1, Habitat for Humanity joins the United Nations and organizations around the world in raising awareness and in education on mobilizing individuals and communities to take action on the current global housing crisis.
Habitat for Humanity also draws attention to the important role decent housing plays in eliminating barriers to a better, healthier, more financially stable life.
Seventy-five percent of people lack proper documentation for the land on which they live. Without land, there can be no housing, and housing is the key to stability and opportunity.
Over 150 governments agreed to the New Urban Agenda as a global framework highlighting the need for urban policies to emphasize housing, focus on secure tenure and prioritize community-led development. Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to ensure governments are held accountable to their commitments.
In Montgomery County, Habitat MCTX believes that everyone deserves decent, affordable housing. To help, please consider donating to Habitat MCTX or volunteering. Learn more at www.habitatmctx.org. If you would like more information on World Habitat Day, please visit www.habitat.org/whd.