Intoxicated Drivers to be targeted July 4th in Montgomery County
The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office will join forces with other law enforcement agencies from around Montgomery County to enhance and target intoxicated drivers during the July 4th holiday. This year, in cooperation with the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, Sheriff Rand Henderson will be deploying extra Deputies to key areas of the county to target those who are found to be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This enforcement program will begin June 24, 2017 and will continue through July 5, 2017. This program is partially funded by a grant from The Texas Department of Transportation in cooperation with The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.
The motoring public should be aware of the dangers of driving while intoxicated and plan ahead for the safety of everyone on the roadways. The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office would like to encourage the use of designation drivers, public transportation or private “for hire” transportation to prevent the dangers of drunk driving. After being arrested for driving while intoxicated, a person can spend an average of $12,000 in attorney’s fees, driver’s license suspensions, fines and court costs.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation there were 495 crashes reported in Montgomery County in 2016 that involved a drunk or impaired driver. During the same 10 day period of 2016 there were 34 crashes involving drunk of impaired drivers that resulted in the deaths of 38 people on Texas roadways. There was only one day during the 10 day period that had no fatality accident reported, June 27, 2016. Each year there are about 60 fatality crashes in Montgomery County with more than half involving an intoxicated driver on drugs or alcohol.
Source: Lieutenant Scott Spencer, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Executive Division