Local Family’s Christmas Lights Honor Frontline Workers
Ever wonder what it takes to create a Christmas light wonderland? Meet the Keeney family, who not only has an amazing display every year, but has added a special tribute this year to those working in the frontlines during the pandemic.

The Keeney family, Adria, Jayland, and their four children Cole (16), Carter (14), Cami (9), and Case (6), all work together to create the sophisticated music and light display for the community to enjoy. Every family member has a role in the process.
“They all must help with part of the assembly, loading and unloading everything from storage,” explained Adria. “Case is following in Daddy’s footsteps and follows him around learning every detail and helping every step of the way. Jayland often works until midnight on weeknights and Case tries hard to stay up the entire time to help him build and assemble every piece. When the lights are finished Cami invites neighbors and friends each evening to dance to the music in our driveway and enjoy the magic of the season.”

Jayland and Adria work together as a team to create the annual entertainment for the community. “I often come up with ideas for projects and then Jayland takes them to another level,” she revealed.
This year, the Keeneys decided to add to their Christmas lights and pay tribute to those working to help the community on the frontlines during the pandemic.
“Due to the global disruption in 2020 we felt like it was only right to dedicate part of our light show to all of the heroes that continue to provide essential services while the majority of us stay at home,” said Adria. The family chose to highlight and honor doctors, nurses, paramedics, law enforcement, fire fighters, grocery store and food delivery service workers, postal and freight service workers, and teachers, faculty, and staff.
“Our hope is to have as many of these heroes stop by this year and see they are truly appreciated for serving all of us on the front lines in 2020,” added Jayland. “With all the stress and pressure that people go through every year, especially during the year of 2020, if we can make people stop, smile, and leave their stress behind for a few minutes then we have done our job.”
The family has lived in the same home for on Spring Basket Trail for 10 years this December. Every year that they create the display, Jayland loves to meet families that visit. On Friday or Saturday evenings, you can find Jayland standing outside and thanking families who come by to see the lights. “I don’t think people realize the joy he brings them is actually giving him joy in return,” revealed Adria.
Many families return year after year for the show. “It also brings us great joy to see returning visitors every Christmas season and some stopping by multiple times throughout the month of December,” said Jayland.
Not only does Jayland synchronize the light show, he also builds many of the pieces on display, including a life sized sleigh that many people take family pictures in, the reindeer, the arches, and the starbursts.

The display features 60 different features that light up and turn off. Viewers will be treated to Charlie Brown characters, a moving Santa in the window, a giant Christmas tree that takes up the entire driveway, and more.
The family does not want to spoil the fun of the new features by giving details away so that people will visit and see for themselves, but viewers are in a treat when the songs end and frontline workers are celebrated in a special tribute.

The Keeneys invite you to enjoy their hard work. Tune to 99.9 FM as you drive by Spring Basket Trail and enjoy the show!
On the hunt for more local Christmas light displays? Visit our guide at www.hellowoodlands.com/christmas-lights-in-the-woodlands-area-2.