31st Annual Commemorative Celebration honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The 31st Annual Commemorative Celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was held at The Woodlands United Methodist Church on Monday, January 21, 2019 at 12 p.m.
The celebration held on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was hosted by Impact Church of The Woodlands and sponsored by The Woodlands Development Company, a division of the Howard Hughes Corporation.
In the program, the Honorable Teta V. Banks led the master of ceremonies, Dr. Roche Coleman, Senior Pastor of Impact Church of The Woodlands, gave the invocation, and Dr. Ed Robb, Senior Pastor of The Woodlands United Methodist Church, presented a commemorative tribute.
Special performances during the program were made by the Children’sMass King Choir, The Woodlands Area Mass King Choir and Resound – Special Needs Ministry Choir. The Oak Ridge High School Air Force Junior ROTC led the posting of the colors.
Following the Commemorative Tribute, Scholarships, Poster Awards and the Drum Major Awards were presented to the award winners who came up on stage with their families.
The title of the Drum Major award is derived from a sermon given by Dr. King in February 1968, in which he referred to a 20th century notion of greatness – the innate human need for recognition, the desire for distinction – calling this impulse the Drum Major instinct. Dr. King shared, “If you want to say that I was a Drum Major, say that I was a Drum Major for justice; say that I was a Drum Major for peace; I was a Drum Major for righteousness.” The Drum Major Award is presented to recognize a woman, man, business, or organization in Montgomery County whose life or work best exemplify the ideals of being a “Drum Major.”
Read about the 2018 Celebration and Winners here.
View photos from the event on the Hello Woodlands Facebook page!