MBOTW Supports #21 Campaign for Grant Milton
When Bob Milner, Co-Owner of Mercedes-Benz of The Woodlands, heard about the devastating injury local high school football player Grant Milton suffered during a playoff game in Waco he knew the dealership had to help. This month Milner is launching the MBOTW Supports #21 Campaign and a #21 Challenge to show his support for the teen, and to help ease the financial stress that his family is facing. During the month of December, $21 will be donated to the Milton family for every car that Mercedes-Benz of The Woodlands sells – and Milner is calling out his fellow dealership friends to take on the challenge, too.
When news of Milton’s injury reached The Woodlands, the community was stunned. Support came quickly and passionately, with wristbands, socks, and t-shirts supporting the teen selling out almost immediately. Now, as Milton remains in a comatose state after being moved from Waco to a hospital in The Woodlands, Milner is looking towards the future.
“Life is about what happens in split seconds,” Milner said. “A split second could have made a difference for Grant, and now we don’t know what his recovery will entail. As a parent of four children, I can’t imagine what I would be feeling if this had happened to one of my own. Grant’s family is now facing a tough road with hospital and potential rehabilitation bills. If we can help ease those burdens in any way, we as a community have to step up.”
And step up, Milner has. He has launched the MBOTW Supports #21 Campaign and created the #21 Challenge that Mercedes-Benz of The Woodlands will be taking on for the month of December. The holiday season is one of the biggest for the dealership, and with each sale that they make, $21 will be donated to the Milton family. That wasn’t enough, though. Milner has decided to challenge other local dealership owners to commit to the #21 Challenge as well.
“I’m calling out the Gullos, the Buckalews, the Wiesners, Mr. Keating, and Volkswagen of The Woodlands to take on the #21 Challenge and launch your own #21 Campaigns to raise money for Grant Milton along with us.”
Bob Milner is the Co-Owner and General Manager of Mercedes-Benz of The Woodlands. He began his career in the automotive industry on the floor of a GM parts wholesale warehouse in 1972, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Executive Leadership and Organizational Development. He lives in The Woodlands with his wife and their four dogs.Mercedes-Benz of The Woodlands is located at 16917 I-45, The Woodlands, Texas 77385. To donate directly to Grant Milton and the Milton Family visit www.gofundme.com/grant-milton-woodlands-21