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Art & Culture

Middle School Artists Get Back to Nature at Fast Draw Competition

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THE WOODLANDS, TX – Over 45 seventh and eighth grade students from Montgomery County got back to nature at the 6th Annual Fast Draw Competition sponsored by The Woodlands Arts Council in partnership with The Woodlands Mall on Saturday, September 28.

Students were given 50 minutes to sketch one of the still life arrangements that were created and generously provided by The Woodlands Escapes, official landscaper of The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival. The resulting sketches demonstrated the creative talents of the young artists.

A panel of judges awarded gift certificates from The Woodlands Mall to the top three award winners. First place was awarded to Natalie Sorber (McCullough Junior High, 8th Grade), second place to Roopa Pabolu (McCullough Junior High, 8th Grade), and third place to Karla Hernadez (Irons Junior High, 8th Grade). An honorable mention along with an iTunes gift card was awarded to Marlie Thompson (McCullough Junior High, 8th Grade).

Students from the 6th Annual Fast Draw Competition sponsored by The Woodlands Arts Council display (TWAC) their award-winning work. Pictured from left are: TWAC Outreach Coordinator Chloe Snow, Karla Hernandez, Roopa Pabolu, Natalie Sorber, Marlie Thompson, TWAC Board President Deb Spiess and Leo Brito, owner of Woodlands Escapes.

Volunteers and sponsors for the competition sponsored by the Because Art Matters Committee of The Woodlands Arts Council include The Woodlands Mall; Leo and Christina Brito, Woodlands Escapes; event judges Jen Lucas, Leslie Lewis and Melianie Stinson, The Woodlands Arts Council Outreach Coordinator Chloe Snow and Interim Operations Manager Angela Colton.




The Woodlands Arts Council provides regional cultural and educational enrichment opportunities that encourage, support and promote the performing and visual arts in our community. From the award winning Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival to the year-round community and educational outreach programs of Because Art Matters, the council has one primary goal … making the community better, Because Art Matters! For more information on The Woodlands Arts Council go to
