Over 225 Arrests by Montgomery County Precinct 5 in 2017
The Montgomery County Precinct 5 Constable’s Department has been busy the first half of 2017.
Along with their regular duties including over 2,430 civil calls for service, a patrol division was added. The Precinct 5 Patrol and narcotics division has made over 2,160 traffic stops and arrested over 225 adults this year for copper theft, assaults and several narcotic violations. With the over 225 arrests, Precinct 5 has cleared 169 warrants and had 134 felony and 119 misdemeanor charges. Constable 5 has taken over 8 pounds of narcotics off the streets since January 2017.
Captain Bill Masden stated that “Precinct 5 Constable’s Office will continue to go after the criminal element in our precinct and make every effort to provide a safe living environment for the Montgomery County Community.”
Source: Chief Chris Jones, Montgomery County Pct. 5 Constables