The Woodlands Township Board holds meeting; discusses incorporation, federal funding and more
The Woodlands Township Board of Directors held its regular meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at The Woodlands Township Townhall, 2801 Technology Forest Boulevard in The Woodlands, Texas.
Major points of discussion are highlighted below:
- Received, considered and acted upon Incorporation Planning Study matters. The Woodlands Township Assistant General Manager, Finance and Administration, Monique Sharp delivered a presentation to Township Directors clarifying misinformation being presented in the community, primarily related to the financial model and law enforcement funding used in developing the maximum initial tax rate for the Incorporation ballot propositions. The presentation can be found at this link: www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/11720
- Discussed Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic including the lack of federal funding not received by The Woodlands Township. State Senator Brandon Creighton recently submitted an opinion request to the Texas Attorney General’s Office seeking clarification on whether local governments in counties with populations greater than 500,000 should receive CARES funds from Texas or their respective county. As an eligible recipient for CARES funds, the Township anticipated receiving $6.8 million in emergency federal funding but to date has received less than $1 million. The Township Board discussed its efforts to advocate with state and local officials to secure the remainder of the CARES funds for the Township. The Board also received an update regarding ongoing advocacy with Treasury to secure federal funding under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The Treasury established guidelines and funding allocations earlier this summer for local governments pursuant to the legislation. Unfortunately, the Treasury narrowly defined the eligibility requirements for funding limiting the relief only to incorporated places and minor civil divisions. As an unincorporated government, The Woodlands Township is missing out on up to an estimated $30 million in ARPA relief. The Township has been working with the Congress and the federal administration to remedy the oversight.
The Township portion in Montgomery County still has $5.8 million in unreimbursed eligible expenses under the guidelines issued by the federal government. Early in 2021, the U.S. President signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) providing $350 billion in additional emergency financial assistance to eligible local communities. ARPA continued the federal government response started under the CARES Act to provide broad based direct funding to local governments of all sizes. The U.S. Treasury established the guidelines and funding allocations for local governments pursuant to the legislation. Unfortunately, the Treasury narrowly defined the eligibility requirements for funding limiting the relief only to incorporated places and minor civil divisions. As an unincorporated government The Woodlands Township is missing out on up to an estimated $30 million in ARPA relief while counties and communities around the region are receiving funds. The Township has been working with the Congress and the federal administration to remedy the oversight.
Following recognition of public officials and public comment, the Board of Directors issued the following proclamations:
- In support of International Walk to School Month, a program that promotes clean air, healthy kids and families, a sense of community and safe use of the community’s pathways, exemplifying community values. Since 2005, The Woodlands Township has ranked in the top two of Texas communities with the most participating schools.
- In support of National Night Out, an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer, better places to live.
- In recognition of National Dyslexia Awareness Month, that promotes a future for all individuals who struggle with dyslexia and other related reading differences so that they may have richer, more robust lives and access to the tools and resources they need.
- In support of Imagine a Day Without Water Day, a national education campaign that brings together diverse stakeholders to highlight how water conservation is essential.
- In recognition of Constitution Week, September 17 through 23, and recognizing September 17, 2021, as the 234th anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention.
On the Consent Agenda, the Board of Directors approved following:
- Administrative Reports for Community Services.
- Administrative Reports for Transportation.
- Reports for The Woodlands Fire Department.
- Purchase and installation of playground equipment for Bonny Branch Park.
On the Regular Agenda, the Board of Directors took the following actions:
- Originally placed on the Consent Agenda, the Board received a report on criminal activity that occurred recently in The Woodlands under the Administrative Reports for Law Enforcement and Community.
- The Board deferred action on the purchase of streetscape maintenance equipment.
For more information on The Woodlands Township, or to view the meeting in its entirety, please visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov, or call 281-210-3800.

Photo Credit: The Woodlands Township; The Woodlands Township Board of Directors held its regular meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at The Woodlands Township Townhall, 2801 Technology Forest Boulevard in The Woodlands, Texas. The Board issued proclamations in honor of International Walk to School Month, National Night Out, National Dyslexia Month, Imagine a Day Without Water Day and Constitution Week.
Source: The Woodlands Township