The Woodlands Township Board announces Earth Month and J.D. Lambright Day at Meeting
THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS – The Woodlands Township Board of Directors held its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 21, 2019, at The Woodlands Township Town Hall, 2801 Technology Forest Boulevard in The Woodlands, Texas.
In recognition of The Woodlands Grass-Roots Environmental Network (The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N) having contributed to the community in numerous ways for the past 30 years and in support of Earth Day, The Woodlands Township Board of Directors proclaimed April 2019 as Celebrate Earth Month…Celebrate The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N. Month.
In remembrance of former Montgomery County Attorney J.D. Lambright and his personal desire to serve his community, The Woodlands Township Board of Directors proclaimed March 21, 2019 as J.D. Lambright Day in The Woodlands, Texas. After his election as Montgomery County Attorney, while overseeing a staff of 30, Mr. Lambright was recognized three times as having the Department of the Year for Montgomery County. The Woodlands Township joins Montgomery County in mourning the loss of this great man.
Before addressing regular business items, as part of the General Manager’s Report, President of Visit The Woodlands, Nick Wolda recognized a recent event that took place in The Woodlands. Last week, approximately 300 meeting planners gathered at the 2019 Rendezvous South Convention. Through the efforts of Visit The Woodlands, the event successfully promoted The Woodlands as a great destination for meetings in the southern United States.
The Board of Directors took the following actions on the Consent Agenda:
- Received Administrative Reports from Township Departments.
- Approved an amendment to the Conroe – The Woodlands Urbanized Area Mobility Committee By-Laws.
- Approved a revised Interlocal Agreement between Montgomery County, Texas and The Woodlands Township relating to installation of cameras.
- Approved an Interlocal Agreement between Montgomery County Hospital District and The Woodlands Township for the lease of cardiac monitors/defibrillators.
The Board of Directors then moved on to take the following actions on the Regular Agenda:
- Received and accepted a presentation regarding the 2019 Conroe Independent School District Bond Issue.
- Deferred a tax abatement agreement between The Woodlands Township, Alight Solutions LLC., and The Woodlands Land Development Company, L.P.
- Received and accepted a briefing on the Gosling Bridge construction project.
- Received a recommendation from the Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee regarding placement of The Waterway Arts District Banners and authorized Director Rieser to work with external committees to negotiate a conclusion.
- Approved Consulting and Brokerage Services for Employee Health and Welfare Benefits.
- Approved extending the term of the Incorporation Planning Task Force until the completion of the study and reappointed Directors Gordy Bunch, Ann Snyder and Bruce Rieser to serve on the task force.
- Took no action on Incorporation Planning Study matters.
- Approved an amendment to the 2019 Board of Directors meeting schedule related to Incorporation Planning Sessions.
The next Board of Directors regular meeting is scheduled to be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 2019. For more information on The Woodlands Township, or to view the meeting in its entirety, visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov, or call 281-210-3800.
Photo: The Woodlands Township Board of Directors recognized The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N for their 30 years of contribution to the community and proclaimed April 2019 as Celebrate Earth Month…Celebrate The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N. Month.