Township Board honors legacy of Michael Richmond, discusses Drought Management Plan at meeting
The Woodlands Township Board of Directors held a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. The Board discussed a variety of topics including the drought management plan, the contract for design and construction of The Woodlands Fire Department facilities and the 2023 Employee Compensation and Classification Study. The Board also received quarterly updates regarding law enforcement from Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office, Visit The Woodlands and finance.
The Board honored the legacy of Michael Richmond, a longtime real estate development and banking executive in the community who passed in December 2022. A respected leader, trusted advisor and mentor, Mr. Richmond helped to shape The Woodlands into one of the most successful master planned communities in the nation through his work with George P. Mitchell. Mr. Richmond was very instrumental in the development of The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center. The Convention Center is owned by The Woodlands Township. The Township extends its condolences and gratitude to the Richmond family. Read the proclamation.
Regarding the drought management plan, the Township Board considered options related to concerns over reduced pond levels during the summer months, particularly during 2022. Under current policy, the Township may add water to ponds when they reach 50% capacity, if water health or pier structure has the potential to be compromised. Many ponds throughout The Woodlands have drainage easements and play an important role in mitigating flooding during periods of heavy precipitation. Due to subsidence and other water usage concerns, a conservation approach has been used for over a decade considering actions related to pond levels. The Township actively monitors all ponds throughout the community during the year through its lake and pond contractor and staff. The Board voted to direct staff to return with a recommendation on a scope of work to undertake a larger study to review pond management for those ponds managed by the Township, including review of the effects of adding water to ponds on subsidence in The Woodlands before making a final determination. Read the drought management plan presentation.
The Board received an update regarding the redesign and construction services for several of The Woodlands Fire Department stations and facilities. The Board previously accepted the proposal from Martinez Architects to undertake the design and construction services of Fire Station 5 and the Emergency Training Center. The Board approved the Form of Agreement with Martinez Architects.
The Board also heard from Evergreen Solutions, LLC, regarding the 2023 Compensation and Classification Study. The Board approved Evergreen Solutions, LLC, as the consultant to conduct the study in December 2022. The consultants briefed the Board on their process for conducting an in-depth study. Recommendations will be shared with Township management in late April or early May, with a final report presented to the Board detailing findings and methodology in May. Read the 2023 Compensation and Classification Study presentation.
On the Consent Agenda, which consists of routine housekeeping items that do not require Board discussion, the Board approved Interlocal Agreements with Montgomery County for Interim Funding of Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Safe Harbor program, Interim Funding of Precinct 3 Constables, and Interim Funding of the Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace. The Board also approved a proposed shift change for The Woodlands Fire Department Operations Firefighters, approved the acquisition of a vehicle for the Parks and Recreation Department and adopted a List of Qualified Brokers Authorized to Engage in Investment Transactions with the Township. The Board deferred the annual Service Agreements with the Village Associations to a future meeting, pending further discussion with village representatives.
The Board recessed to Executive Session and took no action.
Members of the public were able to address the Board at the beginning of the meeting. Village Association representatives also gave reports to the Board respective of their village activities.
The Woodlands Township Board Meetings may be attended in person, watched live online, or viewed later via recording at The agenda and attachments may be viewed at