Township Pools Begin Post-Season Schedule on August 10, 2022
THE WOODLANDS, TX – The Woodlands Township post-season pool schedule begins on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Residents and visitors are welcome to continue their swimming fun for a few more weeks before the pools close for the season on September 5, 2022.

Please note, the regular season concludes on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, except for Wendtwoods Pool, which remains open for regular season through August 14, 2022.
The Township operates one weekday pool and nine weekend pools throughout post-season:
- Weekday Pool: Bear Branch Pool
- Weekend Pools: Bear Branch Pool, Cranebrook Pool, Forestgate Pool, Harper’s Landing Pool, Lakeside Pool, Ridgewood Pool, Rob Fleming Aquatic Center, Sawmill Pool and Wendtwoods Pool
Please visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/pools for the complete post-season pool schedule and hours.
Season passes are valid for entry into all Township pools including the Rob Fleming Aquatic Center. To purchase or renew pool passes, please call or visit one of The Woodlands Township’s recreation centers or visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/signupforfun and click Fitness Room and Pool Pass Memberships.
Daily fees and punch cards are available during pool season. More information can be found on the Township website at www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/pools under Pool Fees and Schedule.
For more information about Township pools, please visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/pools or call 281-210-3937.