Stand-up Paddle Board Yoga Classes at Riva Row Boat House
The Riva Row Boat House will be offering yoga classes beginning April 1, 2017. Classes are offered on weekends from noon to 2 p.m., and begin with on-land instruction and paddling safety before paddling down the canal to the floating yoga studio. The class offers the opportunity to enjoy an all-level, Vinyasa flow surrounded by nature. The class is open to ages 14 and up and costs $40 per person.
Known for its beneficial effects to physical health and spiritual well-being, the yoga practice is further enhanced through practicing on an unbalanced platform on the water. By working harder to retain balance on the water, the body is engaging the core and forced to be more in tune with poses.
Upcoming classes with instructor Tasha will be offered April 1, 9, 15 and 29, 2017. Those interested in the class can register by calling 281-210-3965 or register online at