All posts tagged "mud"
- The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency | May 14, 2018
MUD 7 Pays Off All Outstanding Bonds
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 7 (MUD 7) recently paid off all its...
- The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency | March 30, 2018
19 Candidates running for MUD Director Positions
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – The 2018 election for the Municipal Utility Districts served by The Woodlands Joint Powers...
- The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency | February 26, 2018
WJPA MUDs Adopt 20 Percent Residential Homestead Exemption
THE WOODLANDS, Texas – The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency (WJPA) Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) will provide property tax...