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The Woodlands Township to Host Workshop on Invasive Species
THE WOODLANDS, TX – The Woodlands Township will host a free workshop on Saturday, August 10, 2019, to train volunteers to accurately identify and remove invasive plant species. The “Volunteer Training Event: Invasive Species Task Force” will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the HARC Building Classroom, 8801 Gosling Road, The Woodlands, TX, 77381.
The negative consequences of invasive species are far-reaching, costing Texans hundreds of millions of dollars in damages every year. Non-native vegetation crowds out our native species and the native wildlife that relies on them. This training emphasizes invasive plant species of local concern, such as air potato vine, Chinese privet, and Japanese climbing fern. Attendees will learn about locating, monitoring and removing this destructive vegetation from green belts and pathways. By attending this workshop, you will be well prepared to participate in helping to control these unwanted plants.
The workshop will be hosted by The Woodlands Township Environmental Services Department with support from the Invaders of Texas Program at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.
Registration is required for the workshop and space is limited. Attendees may find a registration link at www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/environment. The deadline to register is Monday, August 5, 2019, 5:00 p.m. Lunch is provided for workshop participants courtesy of Woodlands Water (formerly The Woodlands Joint Powers Agency).
For more information about The Woodlands Township or for assistance in registering for the workshop, please visit www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov, email enviro@thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov, or call 281-210-3800.