26 Warrants Cleared, Drugs Seized, Arrests Made in February
The Montgomery County Precinct 5 Constable’s Office was busy during the month of February clearing 26 warrants, seizing over a pound and a half of marijuana along with over 2 ounces of Methamphetamine and 1.6 grams of Heroin. Warrant arrests included robbery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and several DWI’s, and evading arrest. Other arrests included assault on a public servant, online solicitation of a minor and several felony drug offenses. Montgomery County Precinct 5 Constables was also able to take care of 229 civil citations during February.
“Constable Hill stated that we continue to do more for the constituents of Precinct 5 and thank the residents for their support.”
Individuals arrested (photos in order from top to bottom, left to right):
- Ramirez, Christopher: Manufacture Delivery of a Controlled Substance
- Johnson, Dillon: Evading arrest and detention
- Ratliff, Gary: Robbery
- Nichols, John: Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
- Randle, Anthony: Sexual Assault of a child
- Tuhowski, Brian: Online Solicitation of a minor
- Hall, Karen: Manufacture Delivery of Controlled Substance, Unlawful carrying of a weapon
- Creel, Darrell: Manufacture delivery of controlled substance, Unlawful possession of a gun
- Dawson, Benjamin: Indecency with a Child Sexual Contact
- Bates, Phyllis: Driving while intoxicated, Possession of Marijuana
Source: Chief Chris Jones MCCD 5