Art & Culture
The Woodlands Cultural and Heritage Festival on November 5
THE WOODLANDS, TX – The Woodlands Cultural and Heritage Festival will be celebrated for the first time on Sunday, November 5, 2017 from 12 to 4 pm in Market Street’s Central Park. A presentation of The Woodlands Arts Council and Market Street, the event will feature a collaborative, hands-on art project called AncesTree.
Festival-goers of all ages will be encouraged to participate in creating an original work of art unique to The Woodlands community that will ultimately develop into a beautiful permanent installation at Market Street.
“This event will be a gathering to celebrate the diversity of cultural heritages that make up our community,” said Deb Spiess, President of The Woodlands Arts Council. “In joining together, we will create a work of art that symbolizes our unity and dedication to the arts in all of its forms.”
“Attendees will be encouraged to write brief phrases describing something memorable about their ancestry on paper leaves,” said Heather Joy Puskarich, Cultural Arts Director for The Woodlands Arts Council. “They will attach the leaves, created by local middle school art students, to a symbolic AncesTree, created by local high school art students. Marlo Saucedo (www.marlosaucedo.com) an accomplished artist and resident of The Woodlands, will then incorporate the phrases into a permanent mural installation at Market Street.”
Additional attractions during the festival will include a wide selection of ethnic foods, food trucks, music and dance performed by local ethnic groups. More than 18 cultural exhibitors and international entertainers are expected to participate in this first annual event.
For more information about The Woodlands Cultural and Heritage Festival, visit www.thewoodlandsartscouncil.org.