Woodlands Symphony rolls out first of three Holiday Concerts starting December 6
Woodlands Symphony rolls out first of three Holiday Concerts starting December 6th. The Woodlands Symphony Brass section makes a triumphant return to Glade Arts Foundation on December 6th at 7:00pm heralding a program of classical, popular and jazzy Christmas music. This WSO chamber group is led by Darryl Bayer on trumpet and features principal players to make up a brass quintet of trumpets, horn, trombone and tuba. This concert is designed to delight families and young music students with reduced pricing offered for this Sunday evening performance. Following Covid guidelines, social distancing and face coverings are required with a venue limit of half capacity to keep the audience number to 100 only. The Woodlands Symphony and Glade Arts Foundation urge you to reserve your seats early as the WSO Brass has been a sell out for the past two Decembers. Tickets available online at www.gladeartsfoundation.org/wsodec6-event.
On December 13th, the Woodlands Area Youth Symphony and friends will perform a free concert at Hughes Landing from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Shoppers and guests are invited to gather round the Hughes Landing Bandshell for holiday favorites played by the Woodlands area most talented young artists. The WAYS slogan for this year is “Playing it Safe” and the students hope that all will come to hear them perform to appreciate their hard work and dedication throughout 2020. Tickets are not needed for this free concert that has been generously sponsored by the Howard Hughes corporation.
The third Woodlands Symphony program in December is their annual free Christmas concert on Sunday December 20th at The Woodlands First Baptist Church. Artistic Director, Darryl Bayer has designed one of his most innovative concerts ever by combining members of The Woodlands Jazz Orchestra with the Woodlands Symphony to present “A Swinging Sinatra Christmas”. Headlining the show is Bryan Anthony, one of the most loved Frank Sinatra style singers in the US and abroad. Bryan is a native of Spring and now resides in the Austin hill country. Expect to hear “Christmas Songs with Sinatra” exactly as it was recorded in 1948 with the Woodlands Symphony and Jazz Orchestra. In past years, the WSO has offered 1000 free tickets to their Christmas Concert in a gift of giving back to a supportive community. The generosity of the WSO caught the attention of the Associated Press and ABC Channel 13 last year awarding the orchestra feature stories in the media. This 2020 year the symphony is allowing only 550 tickets to be released to the public in order to keep with State of Texas guidelines. Due to the massive popularity of the concert, free tickets will only be available on Eventbrite.com beginning December 1st. The WSO is still accepting sponsors and donations to assist in underwriting this concert. For more information contact Darryl Bayer at: director@woodlandssymphony.org
Source: Darryl Bayer, Woodlands Symphony