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The Woodlands Township addresses false solar energy advertising

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THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS (November 20, 2017) – The Woodlands Township has received reports of misleading advertising circulating on social media regarding the unilateral approval of solar panel installations throughout the villages.

These advertisements are incorrect and are not in any way affiliated with, or endorsed by, The Woodlands Township.

  • The Township Board of Directors has not considered any endorsement or approval of the use of solar panels in the community.
  • The Development Standards Committee (DSC) has the responsibility to adopt and enforce standards governing property use and maintenance. The committee promulgates rules and regulations that govern The Woodlands.
  • The DSC also reviews requests for improvements on all existing properties.
    The installation of solar panels has been approved on some homes in the community. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis when residents apply and are not based on the village.
  • The DSC does not endorse any vendor, company or product.

For more information about The Woodlands Township, please visit or call 281-210-3800.

Source: The Woodlands Township
